Monday, January 14, 2008

iPond Tank Is Bad Betta Fish Care

I saw this betta fish tank that doubles as a iPod speaker, it is so small that the betta fish does not look like he can turn around! Not to mention the speaker is right below the water, I can not belive they sell this thing. This is a tank for people who do not care at all about their betta fish!

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At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's possibly the dumbest thing I've seen in my whole life.

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all as if it isn't bad enough the way these animals already are treated, stressed think of such a item so small, so annoying- Speakers???!! Come on people, we may not be all vegetarians or animal rights activists, but these are still creatures of our Lord, whose Word says to care for these animals..yet places like wal-mart place them right next to eachother, which is an incredibly stressful thing for them. They are fighters, not even supposed to be able to see one another, and its no wonder half of them are all dead at wal-mart on the shelves....

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

That poor Betta!!! :(
Surely that can't be real? Can it?
I mean, electronic devises near water? I know, heaters and filters are electronic too, but I'm not sure...

I agree with Rachel, it is very dumb.

P.S. I just started my own Betta Blog too! Come and see at - :D

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is extremely cruel. The assumption that bettas live in ponds and like small spaces is a myth. In other pictures I found out the "tank" goes back about 2 inches, but still bettas need AT LEAST 2 gallons. this looks like about 1/4 gallon, probably smaller. The people that say," They're just fish, they don't care." are very heartless. This is like a human living in an elevator in an earthquake (because the speaker would shake the "tank") P.S. Anonymous is right, never buy a fish from walmart.


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