Friday, September 06, 2013

Betta Fish Care Book On Amazon Kindle

One of my favorite books to recommend when asked about Betta fish care is available to download on Amazon Kindle for FREE! I am sure that this Betta fish care ebook will only available for a short time and probably go back to the $4.99 regular price soon so download it today!

If you don’t have a Kindle you can download the Kindle Reader App for most smartphones, tablets or computers.

Just click the photo or link below to go download this book on Amazon!

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Monday, September 06, 2010

Betta Fish Care Tips

The following basic tips can help you keep your Betta fish healthy and active:

1. A tank large enough to allow lots of swimming space so the fish won't bump and tear its fins or scales and it also ensures that the water has adequate oxygen level. Most experts recommend to buy a minimum of a 3-gallon tank for the Betta to have plenty of room. Keep the bowl or tank away from sources of hot and cold such as heaters, A/C ducts, windows, etc. because the fish container be kept between 65 to 75 degrees F.

2. Betta fish do not require a filtration system but do need the cleanest water you can provide them. Changing the water around every three days will keep it clean and prevent infection in your fish. The water you use to replace the tank water should have set out for 24 hours, to release some of the chemicals.

3. Ensure that the bottom of the bowl or tank is debris free because debris sitting at the bottom will make the water cloudy and unhygienic for the fish and will also cause the water to smell. Avoid using soap when cleaning assories because traces of soap will change the water pH.

4. Bettas are also called Siamese fighting fish because the males will fight each other to the death. They are highly territorial fish and will react violently if two are placed in the same tank so avoid putting two males in the same tank. Females can stay together as well as one male with many females. Betta fish can also be kept with guppies.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Betta Fish Care - What Is Algae?

Algae is a simple form of marine plant life that lack leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, and all the other things we normally associate with plants. The word ‘algae’ is an umbrella term that’s used to refer to lower forms of marine life that are capable of photosynthesis (converting sunlight into energy).

Algae is definitely an unsightly and unwanted visitor in your fish tank. You will always have certain levels of algae because small amounts are inevitable wherever there’s light, nutrients, and water in combination. Once the algae levels get high enough to be visible to the naked eye, you’ve got a surplus. You must maintain your aquarium regularly or you can pretty much count on regular growths of algae obscuring your fish, making the water smell, and making your fish tank an eye sore.

Tips for keeping your fish tank algae free:
· Change the water regularly
· Clean the aquarium regularly
· Use a UV filter in the tank
· Situate the tank away from direct sunlight
· Don’t overcrowd the fish
· Keep the food levels down
· Minimize aeration unless your aquarium is very well stocked: keep airstones and vents to a minimum
· Utilize your plants’ nitrate and phosphate absorbing capacity: stock your aquarium with plenty of fast-growing species like Ambulia and Egeria

I will give tips for getting rid of algae in my next post!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Betta Fish Care - Water For Your Betta Fish Tank

What is the best water for your betta fish?

Some people refuse to believe it but the best water to use in your betta fish’s aquarium is tap water. Bottled water and distilled water has been “purified” and won’t have the minerals that your Betta fish needs. If your tap water is so bad that you do not even drink it and you must use something else for your betta fish, than use spring water. Tap water or spring water, follow the directions below:

1) Find out if your local tap water is treated with something called chloramines and if it is you will need AmQuel from the pet store.

2) Pre treat the water with “stress coat” according to the directions. (You can find “stress coat” at your local pet store too)

3) Once the water is treated according to package directions, let it sit in an open container for up to a week, allowing all of the chemicals and gasses to evaporate and for the pH in the water to normalize.

That is all there is to your betta fish water care!

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Show Your Betta Fish You Care With A Big Tank

According to the sales girl, this betta fish tank is the best seller at a huge retailer. I took this photo on my cellphone to show you what not to buy! Can the betta survive in this tank, yes....will the betta fish be happy and healthy, no. If you care about your betta fish a one gallon tank should be the minimum.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Betta Fish Photo

The beautifully cared for Betta fish in this photo was an entry in Aquarama 2007

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Monday, January 14, 2008

iPond Tank Is Bad Betta Fish Care

I saw this betta fish tank that doubles as a iPod speaker, it is so small that the betta fish does not look like he can turn around! Not to mention the speaker is right below the water, I can not belive they sell this thing. This is a tank for people who do not care at all about their betta fish!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Prozac For Your Betta Fish?

I was surprised to see a story about betta fish on the “Advances in Physiology Education” website. It seems male betta fish are “an attractive model for the study of aggressive behavior” and the study finds that in the male Betta splendens given Prozac, that the small dose of Prozac was “sufficient to reduce the expression of specific aggressive behaviors”. Here is the webpage---->

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Betta Fish Photo

A photo of a beautiful betta fish

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Common Betta Fish Terms

Common fish terms (betta fish and otherwise!)

CRI; Color Rendering Index
A rating used for light bulbs on a scale up to 100, where 100 is equal to sunlight.

The organic waste matter that collects on the bottom of your fish tanks.

A fully formed baby fish.

Pectoral fins
Paired fins, one on each side of the body located behind the gill covers.

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